If I Should Fall


Special event – one show only, all box-office proceeds to charity.

In March of 2009, 22-year old Trooper Marc Diab of The Royal Canadian Dragoons was killed in Afghanistan when his vehicle struck an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). In the wake of his death, countless lives were changed forever. If I Should Fall tells the story of Marc’s life through the accounts of those who loved him: his family, his comrades of D Squadron, and his beloved girlfriend.

Told in 13 chapters and going beyond the six o’clock news, viewers see the human face behind the honour and sacrifice of soldiers.



If I Should Fall is a modern documentary of what loss in war means through the eyes of the YouTube generation. Director Brendon Culliton was student at Fanshawe College when filming began in 2010. This is his first feature film. Official WebsiteLoreena McKennitt contributed her songs to support IISF because all proceeds are to charity: Military Families Fund and Marc Diab Children's foundation. IISF won best documentary at the Silver Wave in Fredericton and Hamilton Film Festival. Also won award of Excellence at Canadian International Film Festival, Vancouver, April 2011. Also had a feature screening at the Brantford Film Festival, Brantford, Ontario. Played Canadian Embassy, Berlin on Remembrance Day. All proceeds from this special screening's box office will go to the Military Families Fund and the Marc Diab Foundation.

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